Our Purpose

Process flow diagram explaining the purpose of the Biologics Manufacturing Centre - BMC

At Biologics Manufacturing Centre (BMC) Inc., we strive to:

Strengthen Canada’s national public health security by increasing public health infrastructure capacity in the development of biologics and vaccines and addressing public health challenges
Focus on GMP production of biologics, including therapeutics and vaccines
Complement the ecosystem continuum by connecting early-stage development of biologics with commercialization
De-risk early-stage investments and increase Canada’s biomanufacturing capacity to help SMEs and larger firms bring more products to market
Support high risk production of clinical and commercial production needs
close-up of vaccine vials ready for delivery.

Our Vision, Mission & Values



Accessible, sustainable, domestic biomanufacturing for Canada and beyond.

To better serve the biopharmaceutical needs of Canadians by:

Ensuring access to domestic production capacity for vaccines and other biologic products in times of national and global emergencies
Supporting public-good projects, contributing to the growth and resilience in Canada
Advancing development of the industry to accelerate innovation with made-in-Canada production



Our History

August 2020

Original NRC bio-manufacturing site on Royalmount in Montreal Quebec.
In August 2020, the NRC was mandated to design, construct, commission and qualify a new biomanufacturing facility at the NRC Royalmount site in Montréal, Quebec.

June 2021

Ground preparation for the new Biologics Manufacturing Centre
Construction of the new Biologics Manufacturing Centre was completed in June 2021, only 10 months after breaking ground. This was achieved through an accelerated construction process, which allowed for a condensed construction schedule, while still addressing all of the many details required to ensure the facility would be compliant with good manufacturing practices (GMP), which ensure the safety of vaccine production for humans.

August 2022

BMC building skeleton structure being built during construction.
In August 2022, following an inspection of the facility, Health Canada issued the Biologics Manufacturing Centre's drug establishment licence, which demonstrates the facility's GMP compliance and authorizes the production of drugs for human use.

April 2023

Final construction of the Biological Manufacturing Centre in April of 2023
On April 1, 2023, the not-for-profit corporation, Biologics Manufacturing Centre (BMC) Inc., officially assumed responsibility for the operations of the Biologics Manufacturing Centre.


Founding Members

To create Biologics Manufacturing Centre (BMC) Inc. as an independent not-for-profit corporation, the NRC required a co-founder with experience in biomanufacturing and ecosystem development, as well as non-profit expertise.

CCRM was selected through a competitive process in 2022 to work with the NRC to establish and facilitate the transition of governance and operations to Biologics Manufacturing Centre (BMC) Inc.


The NRC provides annual funding to ensure the facility is maintained in a good manufacturing practices (GMP) readiness state and prepared to respond to public health emergencies.

The NRC acts as lessor of the building and equipment


A leader in developing and commercializing regenerative medicine-based technologies and cell and gene therapies, CCRM has an active role by providing oversight of the Biologics Manufacturing Centre (BMC) Inc. both as an ongoing member of the not-for-profit corporation, and with representation on its board of directors.